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Marília Feix

Luedji Luna | Ameixa

Updated: Dec 21, 2021

The singer and songwriter from Bahia Luedji Luna, nominated for the Latin Grammy 2021 for her second album, Bom Mesmo É estar Debaixo D'água (2020), tells the story of her most recent single, "Ameixa", performed with her partner, the rapper Zudizilla, with the appearances of the beatmaker Nave and the multi-instrumentalist Fejuca.

"Ameixa" celebrates the birth of Dayo, the couple's first son, and also includes the collaboration of Marisol Mwaba, a singer and composer from Brasilia and with Congolese ancestry.

Listen to the entire show here, aired on the 8th of September 2021, on the radio FM Cultura from Porto Alegre.

Photo: Helena Salomão

"'Ameixa' was the first song I wrote for my first child. I released the album Bom Mesmo é Estar Debaixo D'água in 2020, same year I gave birth to him, in the middle of the pandemic times. There was a very high demand from people about the creation of a song on the album being made for my son. But not really. The pandemic period was not very creative for me. Motherhood itself it's a huge demand and the songs on the record were pre-produced before that.

I hadn't done anything for Dario until he was one year old. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, we also didn't have the opportunity to celebrate, to have an anniversary. So Zudizilla and I decided to make a song in his honor. The clip of this song also works keep this moment in his memory. This great event that is one year of life became a song to commemorate a crazy year full of chaos, but also this great blessing that was the birth of Dario. The lyrics are mine and the music is by Marisol Mwaba, my partner in several songs. The clip is directed by my longtime partner Joyce Prado." Tells Luedji Luna.

Soundtrack: Akeem Music - Jorge Bem, Presidên

Luedji Luna + Zudizilla + Nave + Fejuca - Ameixa

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